Answer Insert
The Answer™ is a great way to heat an individual room or small home. It conserves space by mounting almost flush to your existing masonry or zero clearance fireplace. This insert offers advanced features like a five-sided convection chamber to evenly distribute warm air, and a single air control for easy regulation of burns and heat output. The Answer’s™ 1.6 cubic foot firebox is large enough to hold an 18” log and provide longer burn times.
Convection Fan
Heating Capacity: 750 to 1,400 Sq. Feet
Heat Output: 66,800 BTU's / Hour
Steady State Efficiency: Up to 79.6%
Maximum Burn Time: Up to 8 Hours
Firebox Size: 1.6 Cubic Feet
Maximum Log Size: 18"
Emissions: 4.4 Grams Per Hour
Weight: 300 Pounds with Legs
Construction: 5/16” to 3/16” Steel Plate