
The Answer NexGen-Fyre™ is a beautiful small stove built with heavy-duty, high quality construction. This stove uses a five-sided convection chamber to distribute heat evenly throughout your home. Cool room air is naturally drawn around the hot firebox, heated, and returned back into room without using a convection fan. The Answer’s™ 1.5 cubic foot firebox is large enough to hold an 18” log, offering longer burn times with less reloading. Alcove and Mobile Home approved.



Emissions: 2.0 Grams Per Hour (CORD WOOD)

Heating Capacity: Up to 1,400 sq. ft.

EPA Tested BTUs: 12,129 to 59,527 (CORD WOOD)

Maximum Burn Time: Up to 8 Hours

Firebox Size: 1.5 cu. ft.

Maximum Log Size: 18”

Weight: 300 Pounds with Legs

Construction: 5/16” to 3/16” Steel Plate

Overall Efficiency: Up to 72.4% OHV

Glass Viewing Area: 135 Sq. In, 15-3/8” W x 8-7/8”

For Architects, Builders & Specifiers: 

We can provide installation and owner manuals.

We can provide CAD, BIM, SPECS, SPEC WIZARD, Solidworks, and LEED information if needed.